About me
- I am a first-year master student in the Gong group.
- Recently I have been working on
- random matrices
- generalized symmetries
- and their application to condensed matter physics.
- I compose music as a hobby.
Current Affiliation
Dept. of Appl. Phys., Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
- 2020.4 - 2022.3
- College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
- 2022.4 - 2024.3
- Dept. of Appl. Phys., School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
- 2024.4 - present
- Dept. of Appl. Phys., Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Financial Support
I am being financially supported by FoPM, WINGS Program, the University of Tokyo. I would like to take this opportunity to appreciate the support.
Please use this email adress (replace at with “@”): yagi-haruki819 at g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp